A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N. O . P . Q . R . S. T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Capital Evaluation Model

A Capital Evaluation Model is an organisation's methodology for project prioritisation.

At Manningham capital works proposals are generally initiated through either a community or Council request, an identified strategic asset management need, or through a strategic planning process in response to a community service need. The resulting infrastructure will generally support the delivery of a service, enhance amenity or maintain the usefulness of an asset. Council is a service driven organisation and, therefore, capital investment decisions should be aligned to Council’s strategic goals and objectives.

 Council Plan Alignment / Evaluation Criteria

Key Areas   Community health, safety and cultural diversity   Service needs and accessibility   Management of existing Council assets and systems   Environmental amenity and Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) Initiatives   Economic growth and economy   Well Governed   Financial responsibility and sustainability
Weighting   15%   15%   15%   15%   15%   10%   15%
6   Will significantly improve the health, safety or well being of the community, and greatly enhances or protects the cultural diversity and harmony   Will significantly enhance opportunities for services and facilities that meet community needs, or increase community use   Significantly extends the life and/or functionality of an existing Council asset or system, in line with Council’s Asset Management Strategy.   Significantly protects / enhances the natural environment, and / or significantly minimises environmental impacts   Will have a significant positive effect on local employment, tourism or other elements of economic growth   Significantly increases positive outcomes for our customers, people, organisation or future readiness of the City through an improvement or innovation that mitigates risk and pursues best practice   Is financially responsible and sustainable, and provides high value for money, or short term (1 to 5 yr) return on investment to Council or community
4   Will improve the health, safety or well being of the community, and enhances or protects the cultural diversity and harmony   Will enhance opportunities for services and facilities that meet community needs, or increase community use   Somewhat extends the life and/or functionality of an existing Council asset or system, in line with Council’s Asset Management Strategy.   Protects / enhances the natural environment, and / or minimises environmental impacts   Will have a positive effect on local employment, tourism or other elements of economic growth   Increases positive outcomes for our customers, people, organisation or future readiness of the City through an improvement or innovation that mitigates risk and pursues best practice   Is financially responsible and sustainable, and provides reasonable value for money, or medium term (5 to 10 yr) return on investment to Council or community
2   Will somewhat improve the health, safety or well being of the community, and somewhat enhances or protects the cultural diversity and harmony   Will partially enhance opportunities for services and facilities that meet community needs, or increase community use   Maintains the life and/or functionality of an existing Council asset or system, in line with Council’s Asset Management Strategy.   1Marginally protects / enhances the natural environment, and / or marginally minimises environmental impacts   Will have a small positive effect on local employment, tourism or other elements of economic growth   Slightly increases positive  outcomes for our customers, people, organisation or future readiness of the City through an improvement or innovation that mitigates risk and pursues best practice   Is financially responsible and sustainable, and provides some value for money, or long term (10 to 15 yr) return on investment to Council or community
0   Will not improve the health, safety or well being of the community, and does not protect cultural diversity and harmony   Will not enhance opportunities for services and facilities that meet community needs, or increase community use   Does not maintain or improve an existing Council asset or system.   Does not protect / enhance the natural environment, and / or minimise environmental impacts   Will not effect on local employment, tourism or other elements of economic growth   Has a neutral effect on outcomes for our people or organisation performance, customer experience, mitigating risk or future readiness of the City   Is financially responsible and sustainable, but does not provide value for money, or return on investment to Council or community
-2   Will negatively impact on the health, safety or well being of the community   Will decrease opportunities for services and facilities that meet community needs, or decrease community use   Will be detrimental to an existing Council asset or system.   Threatens the natural environment, and / or increases environmental impacts   Will have a negative effect on local employment, tourism or other elements of economic growth   Detracts from positive outcomes for people or organisation performance, customer experience, mitigating risk or future readiness of the City   Is not financially responsible or sustainable, does not provide value for money, or results in a negative return on investment

Risk Assessment

VH = 2
H = 1.5
M = 1.25
L = 1
N = 0.5

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